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How can we use game to help us reflect our relationship with online news outlets?

As doom-scrolling affected me a lot in 2020, whether looking at news about the pandemic or the political issues, I started researching the importance of this behavior. Doom-scrolling refers to the tendency to read excessive amount of negative news. During my research, I discovered that my news-reading addiction is not something personal but a collective memory of 2020. I decided to develop a game as a design response to explore this behavior further. My project also looks into the relationship between journalism and design, specifically the design practice of Newsgame, to develop a design response to doom-scrolling. The game draws inspiration from various successful game developments and genres, forming a game design practice that focuses on storytelling on current affairs, reflection, and creating changes.


players engaged to better design the simulation experience and raised awareness on our online behaviour. 

3 months

game development timeframe, including literature review on game design theory and research on doomscrolling. Developed in Unity game engine


user testing sessions conducted.


To stop the scroll through a simulation game about our online reading behaviour
Personal Project
Digital Products, User Testing, Narrative


The game has different prompt questions, and you have the option to choose a more positive or negative development of the narrative. Based on your choices, the environment in the game will change.

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